Tuorui "v1ncent19" Peng
En voyage dans l'espace de Hilbert.

LaTeX VSCode Snippets

My VSCode Snippet Settings (the json file) for LaTeX. The Snippets allow me to quickly input some common LaTeX commands.

	// Place your snippets for latex here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and 
	// description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
	// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the 
	// same ids are connected.
	// Example:
	// "Print to console": {
	// 	"prefix": "log",
	// 	"body": [
	// 		"console.log('$1');",
	// 		"$2"
	// 	],
	// 	"description": "Log output to console"
		// }

	"Input a figure": {
        "prefix": "\\figure",
        "body": [
        "description": "Input a figure"

			"\\dfrac{ ${1:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}} }{ $2 } $0"
		"description": "Input a dfraction"

		"prefix": ["pd","\\pd"],
			"\\dfrac{\\partial^{$1} $2 }{\\partial $3^{$1} }"
		"description": "Partial Derivative"

		"prefix": ["\\d"],
		"body": "\\dfrac{\\mathrm{d}^{$1} $2 }{\\mathrm{d} $3^{$1} }","description": "Derivative"

		"body": [
		"description": "Make Table"

	// "Bra":{
	// 	"prefix": ["bra"],
	// 	"body": "\\langle ${1:\\psi} |$0",
	// 	"description": "<Bra|"
	// },
	// "Ket":{
	// 	"prefix": ["ket","\\ket"],
	// 	"body": "| ${2:\\psi} \\rangle$0",
	// 	"description": "|Ket>"
	// },
	// "Bra_Ket":{
	// 	"prefix": ["braket","bk","\\bk","\\braket"],
	// 	"body": "\\langle $1 | $2 \\rangle$0",
	// 	"description": "Bra_Ket"
	// },

		"prefix": "\\itemize",
		"body": [
			"\t\\item $0",

		"prefix": "\\enumerate",
		"body": [
			"\t\\item $0",

		"prefix": "\\sample",
		"body": [
			"\\vec{${1:X}}=(${1:X}_{1},${1:X}_{2},\\ldots,${1:X}_{${2:n}}) $0"
		"description": "Random Sample"

		"prefix": "\\ds",
		"body": "{\\displaystyle ${1:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}} } $0"
		"prefix": "\\dsum",
		"body": "\\sum\\limits${1:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}}"
		"prefix": "\\dlim",
		"body": "\\lim\\limits_{ ${1:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}} }$0"

		"prefix": "\\mathscr",
		"body": "\\mathscr{ ${1:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}} }$0"

		"prefix": "\\integrate",
		"body": "\\int ${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}$1 \\,\\mathrm{d}${2:x}"
		"prefix": ["\\dx","\\dz","\\dt","dd"],
		"body": "\\,\\mathrm{d}${2:x}",
		"description": "d_"

		"prefix": ["longtitle","\\longtitle"],
		"body": [
		"prefix": ["shorttitle","\\shorttitle"],
		"body": [
		"prefix": ["hwtitle","\\hwtitle"],
		"body": [
			"\\thispagestyle{myheadings}\\markright{Compiled using \\LaTeX}",
			"\n\n\n\n\n $0 \n\n",
		"prefix": "abstract",
		"body": ["\n\\begin{abstract}",

		"prefix": ["\\const","const"],
		"body": "\\mathrm{const}"
		"prefix": ["Lto","dto","\\Lto","\\dto"],
		"body": "\\xrightarrow[]{\\mathrm{d}} $0"
		"prefix": ["pto","\\pto"],
		"body": "\\xrightarrow[]{\\mathrm{p}} $0"
		"prefix": ["asto","\\asto"],
		"body": "\\xrightarrow[]{\\mathrm{a.s.}} $0"
		"prefix": ["msto","\\msto"],
		"body": "\\xrightarrow[]{\\mathrm{m.s.}} $0"

		"prefix": "\\point",
		"body": "\\begin{point}\n\t${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}$1\n\\end{point}\n$0"

		"prefix": "\\R",
		"body": "\\begin{lstlisting}[language=R]\n$0\n\\end{lstlisting}\n"

		"prefix": "\\\\",
		"body": "\\\\\\\\"

		"prefix": ["beginlatex"],
		"body": [
			"\\usepackage{titlesec} %自定义标题格式",
			"\\newenvironment{algorithm}[1]{\\vspace{12pt} \\hrule\\hrule \\vspace{3pt} \\noindent\\textbf{\\color[HTML]{E63F00}Algorithm } \\,\\textit{#1} \\vspace{3pt} \\hrule\\vspace{6pt}}{\\vspace{6pt}\\hrule\\hrule \\vspace{12pt}} % 算法伪代码格式环境",
			"    basicstyle=\\tt,%字体设置",
			"    numbers=left, %设置行号位置",
			"    numberstyle=\\tiny\\color{black}, %设置行号大小",
			"    keywordstyle=\\color{black}, %设置关键字颜色",
			"    stringstyle=\\color{CodeRed}, %设置字符串颜色",
			"    commentstyle=\\color{CodeGreen}, %设置注释颜色",
			"    frame=single, %设置边框格式",
			"    escapeinside=`, %逃逸字符(1左面的键),用于显示中文",
			"    %breaklines, %自动折行",
			"    extendedchars=false, %解决代码跨页时,章节标题,页眉等汉字不显示的问题",
			"    xleftmargin=2em,xrightmargin=2em, aboveskip=1em, %设置边距",
			"    tabsize=4, %设置tab空格数",
			"    showspaces=false, %不显示空格",
			"    emph={TRUE,FALSE,NULL,NAN,NA,<-,},emphstyle=\\color{CodeBlue2}, %其他高亮}",
			"% \\titleformat{\\section}[block]{\\large\\bfseries}{Exercise \\arabic{section}}{1em}{}[]",
			"% \\titleformat{\\subsection}[block]{}{    \\arabic{section}.(\\alph{subsection})}{1em}{}[]",
			"% \\titleformat{\\subsubsection}[block]{\\normalsize\\bfseries}{    \\arabic{subsection}-\\alph{subsubsection}}{1em}{}[]",
			"% \\titleformat{\\paragraph}[block]{\\small\\bfseries}{[\\arabic{paragraph}]}{1em}{}[]",
			"% \\titleformat{\\sectioncommand}[shape]{format}{title-label}{sep}{before-title}[after-title]",
			"% 中文字号",
			"% 初号42pt, 小初36pt, 一号26pt, 小一24pt, 二号22pt, 小二18pt, 三号16pt, 小三15pt, 四号14pt, 小四12pt, 五号10.5pt, 小五9pt",

		"prefix": "\\rinline",
		"body": "\\lstinline|$1|$0"

		"prefix": "\\bf",
		"body": "\\textbf{${1:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}}}$0"
		"prefix": "\\rm",
		"body": "\\mathrm{ ${1:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}} } $0"
		"prefix": "\\samplematrix",
		"body": [
		"description": "sample x_np"
		"prefix": "\\exp",
		"body": "\\exp\\left[ ${1:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}} \\right]$0"
		"prefix": "\\exp",
		"body": "\\exp\\left\\{ ${1:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}} \\right\\\\}$0"
		"prefix": ["\\below","\\down"],
		"body": "\\mathop{ $1 }\\limits_{$2} $0"
		"prefix": "LHS",
		"body": " \\mathrm{L.H.S.}"
		"prefix": "RHS",
		"body": " \\mathrm{R.H.S.}"
		"prefix": ["get","\\get"],
		"body": " \\Rightarrow "
		"prefix": "hbeta",
		"body": "\\hat{\\beta}$0"
		"prefix": "\\ss",
		"body": "\\mathrm{SS$1} $0 "
		"prefix": "\\ms",
		"body": "\\mathrm{MS$1} $0 "
		"prefix": ["inv","\\inv"],
		"body": "^{-1}"
		"body": ["\\begin{rcode}",
		"prefix": "\\~~",
		"body": "\\approx ",
	"Fourier Transformation":{
		"prefix": "\\fourier",
		"body": "\\mathscr{F}\\left[ ${1:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}} \\right] $0",
		"prefix": "\\makebib",
		"body": ["\\newpage",
		"prefix": ["\\bib","\\thebib"],
		"body": ["\\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{参考文献}",
		  	"  \\bibitem{cite1}",
		"prefix": "\\R.",
		"body": "\\lstinline|R.| $0",
		"prefix": "\\norm",
		"body": "\\left\\Vert ${1:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}} \\right\\Vert $0"
		"prefix": "\\abs",
		"body": "\\left\\vert ${1:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}} \\right\\vert $0"

		"prefix": "\\pr",
		"body": "\\mathbb{P}\\left( ${1:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}} \\right) $0"
		"prefix": "\\e",
		"body": "\\mathbb{E}\\left[ ${1:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}} \\right] $0"
	"backshift operator":{
		"prefix": "\\back",
		"body": "\\mathscr{B}\\left( ${1:${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}} \\right) $0"
	"independent of":{
		"prefix": ["\\independent","\\idpd"],
		"body": "\\independent",
		"description": "independent of"
	"inner product":{
		"prefix": "\\ip",
		"body": "\\left\\langle $1 \\right\\rangle $0",
		"prefix": "\\algorithm",
		"body": ["\\begin{algorithm}{$1}",
	"quick left right":{
		"prefix": "\\lr",
		"body": "\\left${TM_SELECTED_TEXT}$1 \\right$0"

Author: Vincent Peng

First Created: October 6, 2023

Category: Documentation